Be our marketer, Earn up to 20% when you refer someone to do business with us. You don’t need to resign from your current job to be my virtue marketer. It’s stress free. Anytime you are less busy, you can tell someone about our services. You can work for us even though you are not living in Lagos. This is an open job opportunity for anyone living in Nigeria and anywhere in the world.

Here Are Some Of My Services:

  • Website Design , Hosting & Training: Features Inlcudes SSL, Backup, Anti-hacking, Blog, Business Emails, E-commerce
  • Registeration With Corporate Affairs Commission; Business Name, Limited Liability Company, NGO, Clubs, Church, etc.
  • Outsourcing / Freelancing: Hire Edeson As A Virtual Assistant Or Remote Worker For Your Company
  • Professional Certifications: NAFDAC, EFCC SCUML, Trademark
  • Online News Reporting – Blogging/Training: Read Edeson Blog – Entertainment Gits, Technology Trends, Inspirational Stories, Business Tips, Sex Education, Sports, etc
  • Sales Of Software : Premium WordPress Themes & Plugins, E-Books, Classified Documents
  • Digital Marketing: Sponsored Social Media Posts, Google Adwords,Search Engine Optimization, Banner Ads
  • App Publishing/ Design: Publish Your Apps To Google PlayStore & Apple App Store. Website To App Conversion. No-code App Design Using Appygyver, Appgyseser & Other SaaS Tools
  • Nationwide Newspaper Publication: Your article or public notice on Punch, Vanguard, Daily Times, Leadership
  • Data Recovery: Recover Your Deleted Files On Computer HDD, Recycle Bin and Deleted Files From Phones
  • VTU Portal Set Up: Build Your Own Utility Bills Portal For Printing Recharge Cards, Selling TV Subscriptions, NEPA Bills
  • Online Music Promotion: Distribution of songs across streaming platforms & creation of Artiste Wikipedia Page For Upcoming
  • Bulk SMS Service: Send messages to multiplepeople for announcement or marketing
  • Documentary Production: YouTube Videos, PowerPoint Presentations

Edeson InfoTech is running an open marketing in any part of Nigeria and abroad. All you need to do is to get customers for us and get a 20% commission from every successful transaction. The marketing opportunity is open for everyone; students, unemployed, and even the employed who want to make extra MONEY can take advantage of this venture.

Edeson InfoTech Global Services’ is a freelance internet company founded by Mr. Endy Edeson in 2009, Port-Harcourt but now based in Lagos State. Over the years, It gladdens me that I am providing services to individuals, organisations and companies in Nigeria and around the world.

Earn 20% Working As My Marketer – Anyone can be our marketer ,all you need to do is to introduce to us, a client or friend or relative of yours that needs a website or other of our services and you automatically earn 20% of any of the packages chosen.

If you are living in other part of Nigeria or outside Nigeria, you don’t need to meet me in person, all you need do is to tell people about us and make sure they credit you as the source.

Client Pays You Earn Percentage
N10,000 N2000 20%
N20,000 N4000 20%
N30,000 N6000 20%
N50,000 N10,000 20%
N100,000 N20,000 20%
N250,000 N50,000 20%

NOTE: 20% is applicable to any payment made by clients, even if it’s N5,000 or N1,000,000. Calculate 20% from it.